7 Hour Power Pack Study Guide
Workbook by: Charles & Frances Hunter
In this video series, we have compacted our teaching on HOW TO HEAL THE SICK, have left all of the essentials, put in some new things that we have learned, and asked God to anoint it all, so we can bless those and teach those who do not always have the time to watch the entire 14 hour series. With the study guide, you can review on a regular basis what you learn. It is impossible for all of us to maintain everything we hear the first time, so this can be a tremendous refresher course. By reviewing this ofter, you will discover that what you saw on video will be recalled to your memory. We also recommend that as many times as you can watch the DVD sessions. As you do, you will learn additional information each time. All the answers are listed in back of each chapter to make it easy for you to correct yourself. When you write them, read them and hear them; this will increase your ability to retain the information contained therein.
Make healing a lifestyle; remember we are part of the Great Commission Army and we need to follow the instructions left by Jesus on a daily basis. Keep healing the sick!
From: Charles & Frances Hunter