Set Free: Book By Catie Czora

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Breaking the chains fear,Anxiety, Depression, Codependency and Self-Hatred.

Have you ever been so fearful that quitting felt like the only option?

Are you ready to let go of trauma that has caused you to live below God’s best for you and embrace freedom on the other side?

Fear is a trap that holds us captive and slowly destroys us from the inside out. It is the enemy’s plan to steal, kill, and destroy the full lives we are meant to have. For many of us, these fears began when we were young and have grown with us often causing us to take low or no risk at all, tolerate abuse rather than stand up for ourselves, believe we are incapable of our potential, and much more making life more like a cage than an open road.

Set Free, author Catie Czora transparently shares her experience of living beneath her true identity as a child of God due to spending the majority of her life consumed by fear. Her heart is to see you set free from every area that’s held you captive and unable to break free from the bondage fear has you in. You are not alone in this struggle. God created you to live a victorious life filled with hope and purpose. Fear may be your present, but it does not have to be your future.


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